Sunday, March 27, 2022

Magick's Library of Lifestyle Pleasures Second Life

 I have created a place for all SL people who want a place to be themselves and practice the Dom/sub lifestyle. I used to frequent Sweet Domination and it moved around too much and is not almost dead. I used to frequent a few other places that are now very very slow dead or gone. So I have made one thats in the sky above my PlantPets are of our sim. It is open to the public. 

Magick's Library of Lifestyle Pleasures

Also you can get there via the teleport mirror at the landing of my Magick's PlantPets.

Here is my PlantPets LM. 

My PlantPets are nice hobby of mine and I have good prices because I want everyone to enjoy SL not worry about things being too expensive. So if you are interested in them and starting a hobby where you can sell and transfer your baby seeds this is a great option.

Ok back to my Library... Like I said, all my favorite places to hang and haunt are gone so I made one. Its beautiful, quiet with nice music, it has RLV and Xcite amenities, lovely decor and the feel that I want from a lifestyle lounge in SL. Doms you can bring your subs here and anyone in the lifestyle is welcome to come and enjoy. Roleplay to your hearts content. Make some new friends and hopefully this library/lounge will grow a mellow hum and people will like it. Otherwise I have just made another dead silent area for me to stand LOL.

Feel free to cam the sim but the rest of it is private unless we become friends of course.

Here is my main blog...

I am using this Blogger blog for my more "adult" themed content.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

I have a new Paranormal Blog at WordPress

I hope you will visit my new Blogging website as well as the SL site in the previous post. This new site is 

That is my latest post on that site. This is a real life blog for all my paranormal. otherworldly stuff. It's my new baby! Please follow me there ok? It is actually under the same WordPress profile. If you click my gravitar you will see all my blogs there.
Thank you so much!!!

Join my Facebook group for the paranormal as well!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I visit this blog once in awhile. I follow quite a few through this one but I will always share my main blog over at WordPress.

I am a blogging addict I think and since this platform is a challenge to me I will visit from time to time and play. I have been blogging on Wordpress for 11 years and it is my home. If you want to know about me please go there and if you want me to blog for you please respond to me over there if you don't mind.

I don't understand how some bloggers in Second Life have like 30 or 40+ sponsors. How does one do that? Also if you have so many already how do these businesses even approve you since you have too many?

Please give other bloggers a chance to blog for someone, be a good samaritan and let a lesser known blogger have a turn. See what I am saying? I have built my blog and following over at Wordpress while blogging for only a small group like no more than 3 sponsors. Usually only one. My favorite Paris Metro Couture because I am LOYAL and I don't do conflict of interest. But most importantly I make my own art and play in photoshop for myself.

I made this image today. I posed myself with my Anypose, which means I made the psoe myself. Then I put it into Photoshop CC and played with Camera Raw and then a filter and an a layer gradient. I am always finding things in PS and it's a never ending learning process.

I call this Amanda Magick is in the Lite Brite. Do you remember that old toy that lights up with the colored pegs?

I think that was my favorite toy of all time when I was little.  Anyway enjoy your SL and visit my blog at WordPress ok?

Magick Thoughts SL ❤ Le meilleur de Second Life

Sunday, February 17, 2019

This Blog is DEAD

Due to Google shutting down Google+, the bad user friendliness, general hard to use features and the fact I am at WordPress, This blog of mine is now DEAD.

If you wish to follow me please go here...

A Second Life Blog ❤ by AmandaMagick ❤ Don't Hide Your Magick!

You may want to consider moving your blog there too. Good Luck and se you soon! HAPPY BLOGGING!!! Second Life RULES!!!!

Bye Blogger.... CATCH ME AT WP!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Halloween Costumes by AFI Designs

I feel honored to be asked to blog these costumes! Thank You Aubry Fisher of AFI Designs for loving my work and encouraging me. Please check out her store and grab up some of her awesome things!!!

AFI Designs Halloween Costumes. This year 2017 we have 3 new costumes and updated older costumes. We have SHOES and sexy ones. This year we present CELESTIAL which I have a photo for , but you really need to watch the commercial to see all you get with this fantastic outfit. It glows in the DARK. So make sure you watch the whole commercial. Demo's avail at the main store only.  + FREE HALLOWEEN  GIFT IN THE COSTUME SECTION. Just click the pumpkin. 

 Also this year we have OWLINA and EVIL FOO FOO. Photos of ALL costumes below and landmark and links. 



Monday, September 25, 2017

Looking Over The White Cliffs of Dover

Over the White Cliffs of Dover LEA14 we all sat at a beautiful picnic and looked up to the sky. Amid our various ooooooohs and aaaahhhhhssss the brave and cunning performance had us all on the edge of our seats at the very edge of the cliffs! There were 3 amazing aerobatic air shows by the most skilled Spitfire Pilots in Second Life!

Luke Flywalker
"5" Johnnynumberfive
Hazel Brooks
Kara Petrovic

SL Aviation Network

Please click the images to see them larger.

There was also an opportunity to have your picture taken with the pilots!

The 1940's themed event was a raving success!

SL Aviation Network is also on YouTube. SL Aviation Network YouTube

SL Aviation Network Website
The White Cliffs of Dover Website

The White Cliffs of Dover is in the Editors Picks!

Landing Point
The LEA 14 White Cliffs of Dover Landing Point[/caption]

LEA 14 Landing Point Landmark


A friend of mine came to the show when I saw she was on the next LEA sim over. I am so glad she popped over for this show because her pictures are wonderful and I want you to see them! Here is her album on flickr. Give her some views and hit that fave star on all of them. I just love her style and feeling in her pictures! She deserves to be seen!

Carolyn Pheonix White Cliffs of Dover Album

And to see my photos on Flickr as well here is my White Cliffs of Dover album

Magick Thoughts White Cliffs of Dover Album

....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

Magick Java Cafe Sydney City Australia~new location
Gallerie D'Magick~new location~ 
Chamber Magick Lounge
Magick Thoughts SL Blog
Magick Thoughts SL Flickr
Magick Thoughts Facebook
Magick Thoughts Tumblr
Magick Thoughts Twitter
Magick Thoughts Instagram
Magick Thoughts YouTube
Magick Thoughts Google+
Magick Thoughts DeviantArt
❤❤❤❤If you enjoy my site please follow, share and comment!❤❤❤❤

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

You Are Mine! ~Jodie Whitman & Wyatt Stone~ My Rendition

Jodie and Wyatt. Wyatt Stone is the mastermind behind this shoot. Here is his picture please go and give him some faves and love!!! This pic here I took is from this shoot and all my photoshop. But please go see his and follow and fave ok? Location of this photo is The Chamber Magick Lounge and you must come visit. Please click the bookshelf when you arrive.

....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

 Magick Java Cafe Sydney City Australia~new location
Gallerie D'Magick~new location~ 
Chamber Magick Lounge
Magick Thoughts SL Blog
Magick Thoughts SL Flickr
Magick Thoughts Facebook
Magick Thoughts Tumblr
Magick Thoughts Twitter
Magick Thoughts Instagram
Magick Thoughts YouTube
Magick Thoughts Google+
Magick Thoughts DeviantArt
  ❤❤❤❤If you enjoy my site please follow, share and comment!❤❤❤❤

Friday, June 2, 2017

Dotted Lines ~Paris Metro Couture~ Summer Fun!

She signed her beauty, personality, style, talent and her life away when she picked up that expensive shiny pen. Carefully the elegant lady signed her name steady as she was trembling in the best script she could just above that dotted line. Her mere existence was now theirs. While standing up a voice spoke softly in her head ...."Don’t worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine." The morbid negativity did not help her at all.

  Please click the images to see them bigger.

Paris Metro Couture Beach Shop is right next door the main store at Paris! Remember you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Paris Metro Couture Links! Enjoy and treat yourself!

Join the Paris Metro Couture VIP Group!!

PMC Paris PMC The Emporia PMC Tiki Rose PMC Kimono Shop Paris PMC Art Gallery at the Pour Paris Metro Couture BoSL Store PMC Facebook PMC Flickr Paris METRO Couture on the Marketplace!!

 ....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

  Gallerie D'Magick~new location~  Chamber Magick Lounge Magick Thoughts SL Blog Magick Thoughts SL Flickr Magick Thoughts Facebook Magick Thoughts Tumblr Magick Thoughts Twitter Magick Thoughts Instagram Magick Thoughts YouTube Magick Thoughts Google+ Magick Thoughts DeviantArt ❤❤❤❤If you enjoy my site please follow, share and comment!❤❤❤❤

Thursday, June 1, 2017

If someone says that they are cooler than you just remember... YOU ARE HOTTER THAN THEY ARE! Go cool off at the beach with your friends. Bubbles Bikini in belleza sizes and Slink Physique. Please click the images to see them larger.

  Paris Metro Couture casuals and summer at the Beach, what are you waiting for? Remember you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

 Paris Metro Couture Links! Enjoy and treat yourself! Join the Paris Metro Couture VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/8ee855b4-8e76-1813-e295-07a83d418b6e/about

PMC Paris PMC The Emporia PMC Tiki Rose PMC Kimono Shop Paris PMC Art Gallery at the Pour Paris Metro Couture BoSL Store PMC Facebook PMC Flickr Paris METRO Couture on the Marketplace!!

....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

  Gallerie D'Magick~new location~  Chamber Magick Lounge Magick Thoughts SL Blog Magick Thoughts SL Flickr Magick Thoughts Facebook Magick Thoughts Tumblr Magick Thoughts Twitter Magick Thoughts Instagram Magick Thoughts YouTube Magick Thoughts Google+ Magick Thoughts DeviantArt ❤❤❤❤If you enjoy my site please follow, share and comment!❤❤❤❤

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Summer Fun!! Splash! at Paris Metro Couture! ~Friends Event Links too!~

More weekend fun designs in the Life's a Beach Shop at Paris! Splash Summer dress with appliers and mesh fitting Belleza, Maitreya and Slink and also Shoes!!!

Please click the images to see them larger you will be glad you did!

  ::::: Our Friends Events ::::
The the world of deserts, mysterious cities, alluring harem beauties and proud warriors. Oriental-ism is the Near East as seen through the eyes of Western artists from Gericault to Picasso.
Featured performance by the Oasis Dancers.
At the Gedenspire II Gallery Saturday, May 27th - 12:00 pm slt (sorry its over but you can still go!)

Arab World Then after that a great event to put on your 50's gear for a
Charleston Lace Sock Hop
SOCK HOP AT THE CHARLESTON! beginning 2:00 PM SLT (Sorry it's over but you can still go there!)

Remember you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Paris Metro Couture Links! Enjoy and treat yourself!
Join the Paris Metro Couture VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/8ee855b4-8e76-1813-e295-07a83d418b6e/about

PMC Paris PMC The Emporia PMC Tiki Rose PMC Kimono Shop Paris PMC Art Gallery at the Pour Paris Metro Couture BoSL Store PMC Facebook PMC Flickr Paris METRO Couture on the Marketplace!!


...::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

 Gallerie D'Magick~new location~  Chamber Magick Lounge Magick Thoughts SL Blog Magick Thoughts SL Flickr Magick Thoughts Facebook Magick Thoughts Tumblr Magick Thoughts Twitter Magick Thoughts Instagram Magick Thoughts YouTube Magick Thoughts Google+ Magick Thoughts DeviantArt ❤❤❤❤If you enjoy my site please follow, share and comment!❤❤❤❤

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Finding Myself ~Art in Second Life~

We all find ourselves lost and astray at some point in Second Life. I know I have a few times. It is another existence after all. But this time I am not astray and lost in SL. However I do feel very much this way in real life. I feel anxious and lost and like everything is too heavy and too much. 

This art I have made was for RFL. I have been reading up on RFL and finding out that a lot of the money we donate is not actually going where it should whereas the people in charge make millions a year that does not go to the research and sick. Read this..... its proof of what I am saying and I feel betrayed and if all knew about it maybe changes would be made.

Anyhow, I have decided to make my art series The Lady of the Lake into inpirational Memes instead. Why? Because it makes me feel better and I hope to help everyone feel better too. We all have hard days and some of us suffer anxiety disorder as well. I have known since I was a young child as early as 4 that I was nervous and had issues and social issues with being scared. I remember being sent home from the doc many times with my mom when they would say its just nerves. 

I have learned to manage my problem on my own and do it naturally. Photoshop and art made from Second Life is my medicine. It works for me!!!!

Please click the image to see it larger.

Have a great day all!

Love Amanda