Sunday, January 29, 2017

Many Years Ago... Before Second Life......

Many years ago before SL I had a blog. Blogging is what I did for fun and I tried all the platforms I could. was my favorite and I was there for maybe 10 yrs. I blogged about day to day life and paranormal investigation. I had a blogging ring of friends and even made some real online friends through blogging. I even had a blog here at google blogger before google bought it. That blog is history and gone. But I will say I had a great reader base and nice views.

Then SL happened and I quit blogging for a couple years and then made a new one at Wordpress. That blog is my main Second Life blog.  Magick Thoughts of SL at Wordpress Please always look there. I wish I could combine the blogs and statistics but alas that is not possible really unless do some kind of rss feed... hmm I will look into that. This  blog I will use for the time to time ramble that is not appropriate over there with my viewers. This will be the run away girl :)

In SL I am dream team for Paris Metro Couture and run around and enjoy SL doing as I wish. My main activity is Photographer/Artist/Social Media for PMC. So maybe Blogger should be my unprofessional blog hmmm.

Here is a post I shared at WP... A new feature has rolled out from Facebook that is targeting our Second Life artwork. I am sure it is targeting the things it should be like porn and abuse and such but I think it is a weeee bit aggressive. In fact today a friend of mine who is moderator of an SL group on Facebook was banned for three days. It started like this.... nilliastickers-copyOriginally this image had no stickers.
 This new auto-reporting feature detects violations and we think the violation is bare breasts and bare body parts. This violation alone would have given her a 24 hour ban. But Facebook went farther and asked her to take these next two images down for the same violation. She would not take them down and you can clearly see why.... nillia2 nillia1 Evidently these two are worthy of targeting right? No, I didn't think so either and neither did she. So since she did not agree to take these down Facebook smacked her with a three day ban for violating terms of service. To make this even more weird, FB should be notifying the admins of groups about possible violations so the admin can then determine on their own if it is a violation. This is not happening at all. No notifications just immediate shutdown instead. I would think that problem alone would be a violation of their terms but I guess not. Here is the page from FB explaining what they are doing... Woops I mean not doing. Auto-reported by Facebook I know from personal experience that Facebook is auto-reporting even in "Secret" groups and I thought it was looking for key words because the post in question had nothing on it picture-wise but some text that used the word "slut." So it seems unclear to me what exactly the auto-reporting bots are looking for. If we knew we could work around it couldn't we? What are your thoughts?
 ....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

Magick Java Cafe Sydeny City Australia~new location
Gallerie D'Magick~new location~ 
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