Monday, February 6, 2017

Keeping RL Politics out of SL & Flickr~~REALLY?~~~(my opinion)

<3 <3 Part of a status I wake up to this morning....."Pretty please folks... can we just keep rl politics out of SL and Flickr art? ".... I have some opinions too. Just like this is their space to say what they want... I can say what I want and make any art I want. FB and Flickr are MINE. RL and SL ARE THE SAME. RL is in SL. Wanting RL politics out of SL is never going to happen especially when Linden Lab has made their stand on the matter. Asking that we keep it out of our Flickr art as well? Really???? I have only one word to this status update on my feed.... NOPE. Since they have taken it that far how about also asking for others to keep the politics out of their blogs too? Doubledy-Dog... NOPE!…/linden-lab-speaks-out-thank-… <3 
