Monday, September 25, 2017

Looking Over The White Cliffs of Dover

Over the White Cliffs of Dover LEA14 we all sat at a beautiful picnic and looked up to the sky. Amid our various ooooooohs and aaaahhhhhssss the brave and cunning performance had us all on the edge of our seats at the very edge of the cliffs! There were 3 amazing aerobatic air shows by the most skilled Spitfire Pilots in Second Life!

Luke Flywalker
"5" Johnnynumberfive
Hazel Brooks
Kara Petrovic

SL Aviation Network

Please click the images to see them larger.

There was also an opportunity to have your picture taken with the pilots!

The 1940's themed event was a raving success!

SL Aviation Network is also on YouTube. SL Aviation Network YouTube

SL Aviation Network Website
The White Cliffs of Dover Website

The White Cliffs of Dover is in the Editors Picks!

Landing Point
The LEA 14 White Cliffs of Dover Landing Point[/caption]

LEA 14 Landing Point Landmark


A friend of mine came to the show when I saw she was on the next LEA sim over. I am so glad she popped over for this show because her pictures are wonderful and I want you to see them! Here is her album on flickr. Give her some views and hit that fave star on all of them. I just love her style and feeling in her pictures! She deserves to be seen!

Carolyn Pheonix White Cliffs of Dover Album

And to see my photos on Flickr as well here is my White Cliffs of Dover album

Magick Thoughts White Cliffs of Dover Album

....::::::::::AmandaMagick's connections are as follows::::::::::....

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