Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Halloween Costumes by AFI Designs

I feel honored to be asked to blog these costumes! Thank You Aubry Fisher of AFI Designs for loving my work and encouraging me. Please check out her store and grab up some of her awesome things!!!

AFI Designs Halloween Costumes. This year 2017 we have 3 new costumes and updated older costumes. We have SHOES and sexy ones. This year we present CELESTIAL which I have a photo for , but you really need to watch the commercial to see all you get with this fantastic outfit. It glows in the DARK. So make sure you watch the whole commercial. Demo's avail at the main store only.  + FREE HALLOWEEN  GIFT IN THE COSTUME SECTION. Just click the pumpkin. 

 Also this year we have OWLINA and EVIL FOO FOO. Photos of ALL costumes below and landmark and links.