Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I visit this blog once in awhile. I follow quite a few through this one but I will always share my main blog over at WordPress.

I am a blogging addict I think and since this platform is a challenge to me I will visit from time to time and play. I have been blogging on Wordpress for 11 years and it is my home. If you want to know about me please go there and if you want me to blog for you please respond to me over there if you don't mind.

I don't understand how some bloggers in Second Life have like 30 or 40+ sponsors. How does one do that? Also if you have so many already how do these businesses even approve you since you have too many?

Please give other bloggers a chance to blog for someone, be a good samaritan and let a lesser known blogger have a turn. See what I am saying? I have built my blog and following over at Wordpress while blogging for only a small group like no more than 3 sponsors. Usually only one. My favorite Paris Metro Couture because I am LOYAL and I don't do conflict of interest. But most importantly I make my own art and play in photoshop for myself.

I made this image today. I posed myself with my Anypose, which means I made the psoe myself. Then I put it into Photoshop CC and played with Camera Raw and then a filter and an a layer gradient. I am always finding things in PS and it's a never ending learning process.

I call this Amanda Magick is in the Lite Brite. Do you remember that old toy that lights up with the colored pegs?

I think that was my favorite toy of all time when I was little.  Anyway enjoy your SL and visit my blog at WordPress ok?

Magick Thoughts SL ❤ Le meilleur de Second Life